Give your child 95% more mental strength with a custom affirmation recording

Get a P.A.T.H., a 'personalised affirmations theta hypnosis', created by certified Freedom From Self Sabotage coach, Ben Mitchell.

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Thoughts create things.

Is your child creating EXACTLY the life they want?

A P.A.T.H. empowers your child's thoughts to call in THEIR DREAM LIFE.

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Empower your child's thinking today!

A P.A.T.H. is a unique audio recording of focussed positive reinforcement tailored to your child's best vision of their best life.

Plus, their unique P.A.T.H. employs the latest in sound technologies, including being recorded at 432 Hz, to permeate the subconscious with powerful positivity.

Theta waves AND binaural beats ensure your child's mind is totally receptive to their chosen new thoughts and vision for their dream life.

Let them access 95% more power of their mind

Experts have told us that a whopping 95% of our behaviour is controlled by the subconscious.

Our subconscious mind is at work creating our lives whether our conscious mind knows it or not (!) actively absorbing everything we see, hear, smell and feel and driving us to behave in a way that fits in with what the majority are doing.

Your child's PATH provides access to their subconscious mind, to harness this immense power.

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As soon as you pay you will have access to the questionnaire. This can be completed by your child alone or with your assitance. Once your child has completed the questionnaire it is generally 3-4 days until they will have their Personalised Affirmations Theta Hypnosis—their own PATH delivered as mp3 and high quality WAV file.

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Choose the perfect questionnaire for your child

When you enter your contact information you will be able to choose the exact age group perfect for your child. You will then receive a link to the online questionnaire for that age group.

If you have any questions please email be Ben, at Or simply fill in the details below and we can get started on creating a transformational and truly empowering coaching recording for your child right away.

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Payment Methods

PayPal selected.

After submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal website to fill out your payment information. You will be redirected back to our site once the payment is completed.

Apple Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

Google Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

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