Experience your perfect BODY now...

...and your BEST WORKOUT EVER!—by reprogramming your subconscious mind with these Binaural Affirmations Meditation audio recordings.

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Bring your VISION of your PERFECT BODY to life—and call it in!

Empower POSITIVE physical change at the mental/emotional level

Includes POWERFUL 'MUSCLE BUILDING' affirmations and visualisations

Includes 'MUSCLE BUILDING' frequencies of 285Hz (Root Chakra), 417Hz (Sacral Chakra) and 528Hz (Solar Plexus)

Includes BETA wave binaural beat for FOCUS

Includes GAMMA wave binaural beat for PEAK PERFORMANCE

Includes 528Hz, scientifically proven to enhance testosterone production!

WORKOUT BAM PROGRAM = listen to ONE recording at each workout for 7 workouts (then repeat!)

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Sounds of your BEST WORKOUT EVER

These unique recordings are designed specifically for your BEST workout EVER! Listen as you train to gain the benefits of mental focus on your best vision for your body, your health and your life.

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Binaural beats

Binaural beats enhance the minds ability to adopt new empowering beliefs. They do this by entraining the mind with a slightly different frequency in each ear. The mind then perceives, or ‘locks on’ to that frequency. The frequencies used in these recordings are known to enhance muscle repair and building—and even INCREASE TESTOSTERONE!

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The binaural beat in the 285Hz recording is in the range of the BETA Brain Wave which is when we are focussed and mentally activated. The 285Hz frequency is known to aid with muscular repair and growth and correlates with the root chakra for meeting our survival needs.

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GAMMA is going off!

The binaural beat in the 417Hz and 528Hz recording is in the range of the GAMMA brain wave which is when we are in our peak mental state of performance. 417Hz energises the sacral chakra (for creativity and relationships) and 528Hz activates the solar plexus (for confidence and empowerment).

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Positive Subconscious

Positive affirmations work on our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between ‘imagined’ or fictional reality and ‘actual’ reality. By repetition, and concentrating our feelings on the affirmation, the subconscious mind adopts new empowering thoughts and beliefs as fact.

This is so helpful because in our daily life the subconscious mind is in control of up to 97% of our behaviour!! That includes our habitual eating and exercise (or not!) behaviours.

Listening to positive WORKOUT affirmations is a proven way to increase the intensity and results of your workouts now.

Affirmations & frequencies for...

Forming and keeping your BEST vision of your PERFECT BODY

INTENSIFYING your training

Feeling and staying MOTIVATED...

Building your STENGTH

GROWING your endurance

Being LASER FOCUSSED in the gym

Activating POWER of SUBCONSCIOUS to create your IDEAL BODY

Clarity of INTENTION — to grow stronger, more flexible, and endurance

PHYSICAL TRANSFORMATION using visualisation to empower ACTION!

CONFIDENCE while working out

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The amazing benefits of this audio is that it includes all these technologies in one. The binaural beats, brain wave frequency and positive affirmations combine together to supercharge fat loss and MUSCLE BUILDING by laser focussing the mind on total commitment to your perfect workout now!

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2 60 MINUTE Bonus mp3s INCLUDED (6 in TOTAL)

This SPECIAL introductory offer includes 2 X 60 minute bonus recordings of a 'mix-tape' version which includes all 3 individual frequencies, one after the other, PLUS a subliminal version—with the affirmations at a low level only the subconscious mind perceives.

SPECIAL introductory price!

For a short time ONLY get all 6 high quality mp3 downloads — over 3 hours of empowering audio ($420 VALUE) — to keep forever for only $120 (Australian Dollars)!!!


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BONUS (for the brave)!

After requests to hear what all 3 MUSCLE BUILDING frequencies sound like played at once I created this experimental 15 minute mp3 as a bonus for the brave! Left stereo = 417Hz (Sacral Chakra), Right stereo = 528Hz (Solar Plexus Chakra) and in the middle is 285Hz (Root Chakra). Give it a listen—if you dare activate your MUSCLE BUILDING energy centres at once!


1. 'VISIONARY' 285Hz X 20 minute BETA brain wave with affirmations

2. 'GOING HARD' 417Hz 20 minute GAMMA brain wave with affirmations

3. 'IN THE ZONE' 528Hz 20 minute GAMMA brain wave with affirmations

4. 60 minute COMBO with all three frequencies back to back

5. 60 minute COMBO SUBLIMINAL with all three frequencies back to back

6. BONUS 'Experimental' for the brave = all 3 MUSCLE BUILDING frequencies playing at once (without affirmations) 15 minutes

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The 10 Healing Frequencies



A MASSIVE VALUE bundle of The 10 Healing Frequencies. Includes high quality mp3 file versions, each 15 minutes long.

- All Ten Healing Frequencies as 15 minute mp3s VALUE $70

- Introduction to The Ten Healing Frequencies booklet (pdf) INCLUDED
- FREE BONUS - 100 Affirmations, 10 for each frequency (pdf) VALUE $30
- FREE BONUS - 11 minute Sound Empowerment EXPERIENCE (Includes ALL frequencies + binaural beats + brain wave state examples) VALUE $29
- FREE BONUS - 60 minute Love & Compassion Binaural Affirmations Meditation with The Seventh Healing Frequency 639 Hz (365 affirmations!!) VALUE $50
- FREE BONUS - 60 minute SUBLIMINAL MIX - Love & Compassion Binaural Affirmations Meditation with The Seventh Healing Frequency 639 Hz VALUE $50

TOTAL VALUE $229 for...

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How To Live The Law of Attraction


How To Live The Law of Attraction - 10 Secrets of Manifesting With Affirmations. Audio book and eBook (pdf). 
- Includes AUDIO BOOK (24 minutes) and eBook
- Learn the 10 powerful affirmation secrets to manifesting with the law of attraction
- Discover how to change your immediate environment to supercharge your manifestation power

Explore the universal principles that Louise Hay, Stuart Wilde, Abraham Hicks and many more have written and spoke on for decades, primarily that 'Beliefs are simply thoughts repeatedly held and thoughts can be changed'

Get it now and start listening straight away!
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